The best way to have a great experience is for both of us to feel comfortable. Below are some helpful tips:
* Please arrive to our date on time. Whether you will be early or running a few minutes late, please call or text me to let me know. Arriving 15 minutes early can be as bad as arriving late. I need those last few minutes to relax and prepare myself for our special time together. If you arrive late, I cannot promise to keep you past your appointed time.
* When we first meet, I prefer a hug and a kiss, then please place your gift on a table in plain sight and excuse yourself to the wash room. PLEASE wash your hands and use mouthwash. I just have a thing about thinking about all of the places your hands have been since their last washing, (steering wheel, door knob, sandwich from lunch). I am so much more at ease knowing they are fresh.
* I am not available for dates "off the clock" nor am I available to "hang out" during my free time. THIS INCLUDES HAVING A MEAL OR A DRINK WITH YOU. Please do not make any request of this nature, as I stop communicating with people who do so, no matter how much I like them. Please do not overstep your boundaries. If you would like to share a meal with me, please schedule a dinner or lunch date. Thank you.
* I have a ZERO tolerance for drugs of any kind. Do not bring or ask to participate, EVER. Requests regarding drug use will be ignored and all future communication will be blocked.
* It's important to make sure you are clean when we begin our session so please wash your hands and/or take a shower before we start.
* Take a moment to make sure that every part of your body that you want to put near my face, nose or mouth is clean and fresh smelling!
* I have plenty of supplies available for you in the restroom which includes mouthwash.
* It is important to make sure ALL of your body parts, especially the private ones are clean and free of odors.
I want our time together to be special for both of us. We are to come together with mutual respect and admiration. Don't be afraid to express your desires. Bring an open heart and an open mind. My only basic limit is that I will not participate in anything that is painful for me. I'm here because it feels good. I enjoy lots of cuddling, massaging, kissing and talking.
Please do not overstay your time. Please do not wait for me to tell you your time is up. If you are interested in staying longer than the time we originally scheduled, please ask me. If I am available to spend extra time with you, I will let you know. Also you must adjust your donation accordingly.
If our time together really knocked your socks off, feel free to write a review about me. The review is like a tip to thank me for our time together.
A nice tip is always welcomed. If you would like to surprise me with a gift, I really enjoy flowers or a gift certificate of any kind is always nice.
Screen, screen, screen gentlemen! No reviews anywhere? Chances are, they might be law enforcement.
NO LINK TO REVIEWS? Huge red flag. They should have more than 20 reviews to be legitimate.
NO WEBSITE? Another red flag.
If a provider asks for references and/or a deposit on one of the sites like Venmo or Cashapp, that's a good sign.
If a provider asks what do you want (Real providers never ask that. Never discuss sex acts.), and say how much, that's a huge red flag.
When you go to the location and the provider asks if you are the same guy that called, that's when the cuffs come out even without any act in furtherance of the trick.
Do your research before you contact the provider. Google her name and her phone number. She should have all kinds of information pop up about her. Most of us these days have Twitter and Instagram accounts and we post often with selfies. That's a great sign.
Good luck and be safe!
619-829-7188 or roxynotroxanne@yahoo.com